Your feedback helps us to improve our services, and we value your comments.
You can tell us what you think about our service in a variety of ways.
We are pleased that you think we are:
1. Family and Friends Test
The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. It’s a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving NHS care or treatment.
An example of how we have responded:
After an appointment with our service, you may be sent a short survey to complete. You can also ask for this at the appointment or by calling our duty numbers.
2. Patient Advice and Liaison Service
This is available for all services in our Trust. It is for compliments, comments, complaints and information.
Please see our Trust website for more information about how you can use PALS.
3. Our Parentline texting service.
When you have used the Parentline service please do give feedback when the conversation is closed. This helps us to understand what you found helpful and how we can improve. If you have not used the Parentline service see the numbers at the end of the page.
We are currently looking at other ways to improve our conversations with you about your experience of our services to ensure we deliver high quality care. Please see the My healthcare experience checklist for more information.