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Downs Syndrome support in Buckinghamshire

Sparkles is a small, parent-led charity providing speech and language, physio and occupational therapy to pre-school children with Down’s syndrome living in and around Buckinghamshire.

Sparkles was formed in 1999 by a group of parents who knew they had to do more to support their children with Down’s syndrome. Since then the charity has gone from strength to strength, expanded the therapies they offer, and helped over 200 children ease their path into childhood and school.

Today, the therapeutic support that is offered through Sparkles is a valuable addition to NHS services which are not compromised by joining.

Sparkles’ vision is that all children with Down’s syndrome in Buckinghamshire throughout their early years, have the opportunity to reach their full potential through speech and language therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

Sparkles also provides a support network of parents in the area with an active what’s app group and several social meet ups throughout the year.

To find out more about how Sparkles can help your child please contact:-    or by email



Please see links below for further advice, information and support

What is Down syndrome? – Down Syndrome UK


This page was last reviewed on 08-01-2025

This page will be next reviewed on 08-01-2028