There are two online courses on the topic preterm or sick babies for parents or anyone involved with the baby or babies. Both are free to access online and are not designed to be done in one go. It can be helpful to have a break between modules.
The access code for both of these courses is TAMAR.
Understanding your preterm or sick baby in hospital (6 modules)
This course is for parents of preterm or sick babies in hospital and is broken down into six modules to help you through you and your baby’s experience of being in hospital. This includes finding support for yourself and a focus on the relationship between you and your baby.
Understanding your preterm or sick baby now you’re home (13 modules)
This course is for parents of preterm or sick babies who are now at home. While similar to the content that could be found in a postnatal group, but for parents of preterm or sick babies who have been discharged from hospital and are now at home. The course covers sleeping, crying, feeding and childcare. As with the first course, there is a focus on the relationship between you and your baby.
These courses are offered in multiple languages. Please visit the Solihull course list, scroll down to the full range of courses and select “Non-English speakers” from the categories drop-down box.
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