The ‘Introducing Solids Food’ Sessions are aimed at parents who have babies aged around 16-21 weeks of age. It is recommended that solid foods are offered to healthy babies from around six months of age. This session offers basic information for parents to consider before starting to wean their baby.
These one-off sessions are delivered in a virtual (video link) format lasting for 60-75 mins and includes the following topics (all sessions will deliver the same information):
- Expectations around weaning
- When babies are ready to wean
- 5 Steps of learning to wean
- Food ideas – to try or avoid
- Meal examples
- Common worries or obstacles.
To access the virtual session on Microsoft Teams, click here to join the meeting. You can join on your computer, mobile app or room device.
Alternatively, please use the information below to join the call:
Meeting ID: 328 459 969 618
Passcode: GfTjoQ
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Or call in (audio only)
+44 20 7660 8305,,605641019# United Kingdom, London
Phone Conference ID: 605 641 019#
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