Your child’s health and development review is an opportunity for you to see how your child is progressing (children are all different and will develop at different rates for all sorts of different reasons). These reviews are carried out by either a Health Visitor or a Community Nursery Nurse.
Before the review you will be sent two Ages and Stages (ASQ) questionnaires for you to record all your child’s achievements and they will also give you chance to highlight any concerns that you may have about your child.
The Ages and Stages questionnaires are a reliable, researched based screening tool which provides an overview of how your child is developing. The first ASQ looks at general development in 5 different areas whilst the second questionnaire ASQ questionnaire focuses on your child’s social and emotional development; how well your child copes in social situations, as well as managing their emotions.
The review will be face to face in a clinic setting and will give you the opportunity to discuss:
- Your child’s development including speech and language
- Behaviour
- Diet
- Sleep
- Accident prevention
- Immunisations
- Play
You will also have the opportunity to discuss your own emotional health and wellbeing.
The Health Visiting team will offer further advice and support, and will refer to other professionals if any needs are identified at the review.
You can find more information and advice in the ‘Your child at one collection’