You will be contacted by your Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor) to arrange a contact when your baby is 6-8 weeks old.
During this contact you will be able to discuss lots of different things, including:
- Feeding
- Development
- Crying baby
- Safe sleep and safety
- Vaccinations
- Oral health
- Emotional health and wellbeing, and bonding with your baby
Part of this contact involves your baby being weighed and measured. This contact is delivered as part of the skill mix team.
If your baby has any birth marks that have developed since birth, these will be documented on the body map in the red book.
You will receive a Book Start pack containing some books that you can share with your baby.
You will also be asked about your emotional wellbeing during this contact. Your Health Visitor can offer support if you are experiencing low mood after having your baby, so be sure to say if you are feeling low, hopeless or not enjoying things that you used to.
You can find more advice and information in our ‘Your baby at six to eight weeks’ collection.
If you would like to speak to the health visiting team about this contact, you can call the Healthy Together Helpline on 0300 300 3001, or you can get in touch via our confidential text messaging service, ChatHealth; details of which you can see below: