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What is HELLP syndrome? 

Haemolysis ELevated Liver Proteins Low Platelet Count (HELLP) syndrome is a rare and serious blood clotting disorder that can affect some pregnant individuals in the later stages of pregnancy or following birth. In rare cases it can arise before 20 weeks gestation. 

It is named HELLP after the parts of the condition, these are: 

H – Haemolysis – this is where the red cells in the blood break down.
EL – Elevated Liver Proteins – a high number of enzymes in the liver is a sign of liver damage.
LP – Low Platelet Count – platelets are substances in the blood that help it clot. 

Those who have pre-eclampsia or eclampsia can have a higher risk of developing HELLP syndrome. 

Read more about pre-eclampsia here.

Although not all individuals who develop HELLP syndrome display the common symptoms of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure and protein in the urine).  

The symptoms of HELLP are sometimes mistaken for gastritis, flu, acute hepatitis, acute fatty liver disease or gall bladder disease. 

Symptoms of HELLP syndrome 

The symptoms of HELLP syndrome may seem at first like preeclampsia (link) and include one or more of the following symptoms: 

  • Abdominal or chest pain, including abdominal or chest tenderness and upper right-side pain  
  • Nausea, vomiting, or indigestion with pain after eating 
  • A headache that won’t go away, even after taking medication 
  • Shoulder pain or pain when breathing deeply 
  • Bleeding anywhere on your body that is hard to stop or control 
  • Changes in vision including blurred vision, seeing double, or flashing lights or auras 
  • Swelling, especially of the face or hands 
  • Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or gasping for air 

Go to A&E if you suspect HELLP syndrome. Early diagnosis of HELLP syndrome is important due to the serious and potentially life-threatening nature of the illness. 

If you suspect any of the symptoms of pre-eclampsia, seek immediate advice from your GP or 111. It’s also important to notify your midwife and GP if you are pregnant and have a history of hypertension (high blood pressure), as this can raise the risk of developing pre-eclampsia. 

If something doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts and contact a health professional. 

How is HELLP syndrome treated? 

The main treatment is to deliver the baby and placenta as soon as possible.  

Those with HELLP syndrome may require a transfusion of red blood cells, platelets or plasma. 

If HELLP syndrome is diagnosed early and the baby is delivered, it’s more likely for the mother to make a full recovery following hospital treatment. 

Read more about HELLP syndrome here. 

Recovering from HELLP syndrome 

It’s important to rest and recover after giving birth with HELLP syndrome, as it may take longer to recover from than a normal birth. Individuals might be prescribed supplements such as iron to help their blood to recuperate. Speak to your doctor to understand more about your recovery journey. 

Reach out to your health visiting team and GP, who can also offer mental health support. You can read more about postnatal mental health here.

One of the first questions you might ask is whether or not you can have another baby. Those with a history of HELLP syndrome are at increased risk of all forms of pre-eclampsia in subsequent pregnancies, so you might choose to speak to a midwife or GP before planning your next pregnancy.  

Read this article from about considering another pregnancy.

Page last reviewed: 23-01-2025

Next review due: 23-01-2028