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Self-weighing your baby

We have Child Health Drop Ins across Buckinghamshire where you can come and see a member of the health visiting team and receive support and information about caring for your baby. You don’t need to make an appointment, just drop in.

You will also be able to sit and talk to other parents, feed you baby and check your baby’s weight.

At the Child Health Drop In we will support you to weigh your baby, giving you guidance as needed.

The following posters will help with weighing your baby and will be available at the Child Health Drop Ins.

Most children will not need to be weighed frequently. The World Health Organisation (WHO) advises on the frequency of weight monitoring to ensure monitoring of their growth as follows:

Age No more than
2 weeks to 6 months Once a month
6 to 12 months Once every 2 months
Over 12 months Once every 3 months

When to seek further support:

Please seek further advice and support from your health visitor if your child’s weight:

  • Has not increased
  • Falls through 1 or more centiles
  • Increases through 2 or more centiles
  • Is now below 2nd centile
  • Is now above 98th centile

You can also seek further advice if your child has a different weight chart or if you have any other concerns.

CENTILE – this refers to the curved lines on the growth charts in the red book. They indicate growth lines, comparing different ranges for the same age. Children are all shapes and sizes. Half of all children should be between the 25th–75th.

This page was last reviewed on 11-01-2024

This page will be next reviewed on 11-01-2027